Meet Robert Leaks. Robert is a Chicago native, a husband, the father of three sons, a barber stylist, an educator and an entrepreneur who is passionate about his work. His barbershop wall is lined with BARBICIDE® course certificates proving his dedication to the controlled of linfection in his barbershop. Robert also believes that education and mentoring are essential for the growth and development of our future generation.
“What I like the most about Hyde Park is the people. Hyde Park is a radically changing neighborhood; despite that, the diversity of the neighborhood is unique compare to other Chicago neighborhoods. And of course, the proximity of Lake Shore Drive and the parks put Hyde Park at an awesome location.”
“If I must recommend businesses in Hyde Park, it would be Nathan’s Chicago Style and Valois Restaurant. The food at these restaurants are appetizing and reasonably priced. I would also recommend Jojayden Handmade which is a nice men’s clothing boutique.”
“My parents are the most influential people in my life because they molded me into the man that I have become. I am very grateful to them.”
“I am most proud of my family – my wife and three sons. It takes love, hard work, dedication and determination to make everything work. This is a Blessing that I am eternally grateful for.”
Address/ Telephone:
M.L.S. Grooming
1614 E. 53rd Street
Chicago, IL 60615
(312) 719-3813
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